Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Most Thrilling Post You Will Ever Read

The one bad thing about the white stuff (don't worry, I still love it.  But we have to be realistic, it's not all roses) is what it does to one's commute.  Many drives to work in the beginning of January looked like this:
For a non-patient person, I do okay when the delay is due to snow :)

If you remember back to an earlier post... along with snow, I also like fog.  
Know what's better than snow or fog?  
That's right.
Snow and fog.
Another morning commute.  It was kind of bizarre to see the sun peeping out on the other side of the fog in photo #2.
Please be assured that I take all driving photographs at red lights.  Or at least while I'm stopped.  Around here, sometimes we stop at green lights too.

This one is a bit older, but while I'm posting pictures of driving in snow (which I'm sure are thrilling to all involved)... remember the post about holiday driving?  (Of course you do!  You're a huge fan!)  This is what several of those drives looked like.  What fun!

Congratulations, you made it to the end.  Sorry about this one.

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