Sunday, January 12, 2014

Exam Results

If you have not taken an actuarial exam before, you do not know the pain of Exam Results Eve.  Here's how it goes.

1) Try to forget about the fact that on the morrow, the results of months of exam preparation will be revealed.  Fun though the studying process is, you'd prefer to move on to the next exam.  After all, there are new fun facts and formulas to be learned.
2) If successful, it will be short-lived as many well-meaning coworkers will ask you "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" in which case all butterflies will return to their comfortable home in your midsection.
3) Survive the day at work.  (Being busy helps.  Not too bad yet.) 
4) Forget about it at home.  This is actually much easier.  Being busy with things you actually want to do is even better than being busy at work, turns out.
5) Go to bed.
6) Go to sleep.
7) HA!  Just kidding.  Actually, lay awake and think about exam results.  And how you should be sleeping, because you have to go to work tomorrow.
8) Eventually fall asleep.  Probably around 11:00 or so. 
9) Dream about exam results.  Dream #1 - your candidate number is 7377.  You are not on the list.  You failed.  Yikes!
10) Dream about exam results.  Dream #2 - you're not sure what your candidate number is, but you're pretty sure it has a '77' in it, so you scan the entire list for any passers with a '77' in their candidate number.  It's a little fuzzy on whether or not you passed this one, but good news - the SOA decided question #1 was faulty, and they threw it out.  Great!  I knew all along that was an awful question.  Things are looking hopeful, at least.
11) Wake up.  2:15 am.  Nope, not time to go to work yet.
12) Go back to sleep.
13) Dream about exam results.  Dream #3 - your candidate number is 7734.  They threw out questions 1 and 2!  And you passed!  Good job!
14) Dream about exam results.  Dream #4 - who cares what your candidate number is.  You failed.
15) Dream about exam results.  Dream #5 - who cares what your candidate number is.  You failed.
16) Dream about exam results.  Dream #6 - who cares what your candidate number is.  You failed.
17) Dream about exam results.  Dream #7 - who cares what your candidate number is.  You failed.
18) Dream about exam results.  Dream #8 - who cares what your candidate number is.  You failed.
19) Dream about exam results.  Dream #9 - who cares what your candidate number is.  You failed.
20) Wake up.  Well, that was restful.  Time to go to work.  Clearly this is going to be a productive day.

I won't drag this out any more.  Suffice it to say, the day is stressful as well.  But know when it's all worth it?  When you PASS.

That's right folks.  6 down, 2 to go.  The end is getting closer!!!!!!!!!


  1. Whew. Guess we didn't go through all of that exactly like you did, but we did celebrate with a few whoops and hollers along with an emphatic fist pump!!

    1. Wish I could've seen that. Thanks Bops :) (And Mom, I'm thinking...)

  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm screaming on here since I didn't get to in real life. Let the next study sessions commence. :-)
